Anti-Bullying Week 2022 – Support Tools

  • Post category:Carer News
blue and white circle against bullying laptop sticker 1
green red no bullying instagram post

This week is officially Anti-Bullying week in the UK.  A time when we focus on what we can do to help prevent bullying and to support those who may be more vulnerable to being bullied.

Check out these resources that are available to help if you are dealing with the impacts of bullying.

Anti-bullying Alliance support – downloadable information pack for parents and carers

Kidscape Parent Advice Line – Phone 07496 682785

Top tips for dealing with bullying – downloadable PDF available in multiple languages

Video is a great way to share a key message.  Follow this link to see the 20 best Anti-Bullying Videos compiled by ‘The Back to School Blog’.  

If you have resources that have helped you in dealing with this issue, please let us know! 

We are always interested to share solutions that work.