Did you know the latest research identifies the recruitment and retention of high-quality foster carers as the biggest challenge facing the fostering sector today. People who have the skills and temperament to meet the needs of children in care.
A lack of available foster carers in the right place at the right time means children are missing out on vital support.
Children in need of care are at risk of being moved away from their communities, hobbies, siblings, having to change schools and leave behind what is important to them, which has a detrimental impact on their wellbeing, stability and development.
The reality is that there is a need for at least 500 more foster families in the East of England alone, to help give children in care across Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex and Cambridgeshire the chance to stay local and within the communities that they know.
If you think that you could provide a home, care and support to a child, we would love to speak to you.
We can help you to find out more about fostering, the various choices and options as well as give you details about how the process to become a foster carer works.
The Foster Care Co-operative is a not-for-profit, independent, ethical fostering agency supporting children and foster carers across the England and Wales. Our regional team covering East Anglia (Norfolk, Suffolk, North Essex and East Cambridgeshire) would love to help answer your questions.
Find out more about who we are and what we do on our website – or book yourself onto one of our online events and have a chat with our team.

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