Blue Light Discount Scheme Now Available

  • Post category:Carer News

We are delighted to confirm that Foster Carers are now eligible to receive a ‘Blue Light Card’. This card gives members of the social care sector access to over 15,000 discounts from national, local and online retailers. From food to days out, fashion to insurance, there are lots of options to explore.

Find out more about the Blue Light Card scheme here.

Claim back the subscription fee!

We will fund one Blue Light Card per fostering household to enable you and the children you care for, to access the discounts.  The card will last for 2 years.

Please register for a card and claim back the subscription fee through the FCC expenses form.  If you have already got a card, please fill out an expense claim and we will refund the cost to you.

FCC continue to explore ways in which to support carers during these challenging economic times.